Thierry Schwartz - Table Naturelle

Pushing open the door of Thierry Schwartz - Table Naturelle is an invitation to a different experience. In this restaurant, the credo is natural, chemical-free cuisine. Thierry Schwartz is an Officier du Mérite agricole (Agricultural Merit Officer) and cooks with 95% short-distance produce from less than 50 kilometers away, most of it biodynamic. Discover a wine cellar with over 1700 references of living wines and a collection of Chartreuses. The Michelin Guide praises "a cuisine of great finesse". Chef Thierry Schwartz's cuisine is energetic, convivial and close to nature. A magnificent experience. One red and one green star in the Michelin Guide

  • Pets allowed : yes
  • Gourmet restaurant : yes
  • Alsatian cuisine : no
  • Tarte flambée : no
  • Vegetarian : yes
  • Fish : yes
  • Gluten-free : yes
Additional information
  • Payment method : Credit card, Cheque, Cash
  • Type of food : Organic, Gastronomic
  • Specialities : Cheese, Game, Fish, Vegetarian , Gluten-free, Bio
  • Practical restaurant service : Dish of the day, Takes into account food allergies, Food & wine matched menus available with wine by the glass, Group reception, Staff can provide advice about Alsatian wines, Orchestra, Caterer and banquet organiser, Wine sharing available, Takeaway, Wine waiter
  • Internet connection : Free wi-fi
  • Languages spoken : French, German, English, Spanish, Italian, Japanese
  • Practical services : Group reception
  • Number of places to eat :
    • room 1: : 30
    • room 2: : 20
    • Total number of covers in the dining room : 50
    • terrace 1: : 20
  • Group headcount : Mini, Maxi
  • Equipement restauration : Terrace, Banqueting / reception room
  • Equip./services for kids : Highchair, Colouring books and littlel games, Possibility to heat up baby bottles or baby food, Booster seat
Label gault-millau
Label guide-michelin
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