Street theater - Compagnie OpUS - La Veillée

" If you want "Mme Champolleau and Mr Gauthier" to tell you about the stars, the Olympic flames, Brigitte Bardot or Savoyard fondue, come and sit around the flames, and reality will gradually fall into place... "

Mme Champolleau and Mr Gauthier, from Ménetreux, take part in an organized excursion and stay at a local retirement home. On their last evening, they invite the audience to join them for an evening of homemade onion soup. Mr Gauthier will keep the fire going, and Mme Champolleau will keep the conversation going. We'll be talking about the stars, Olympic flames, Brigitte Bardot and Savoyard fondue, as well as aliens, gas stoves and frozen oil. Around the flames, reality will gradually get in the way... This is an outdoor show, so bring plaids and warm jackets. In case of bad weather, the show will be moved to the Salle des Fêtes, rue de Sélestat.

Additional information
  • Duration of the visit : 2h
  • Matériel nécessaire : Warm clothes
  • Prices : Tarif unique : 10 €
  • Type d'évènement, exposition : Spectacle
  • Lieu/Départ de la manifestation : Halle Grüber, Parking des Remparts - Obernai

Opening times and days are liable to change according to circumstances. Please take all the necessary precautions.

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