Show - I dreamed my sweater was my home

" Join us for an engaging musical theater show about the lives, journeys and dreams of teenagers from around the world who have left everything behind to find a better future in France. This show puts human beings back at the heart of exile issues! "

Musical documentary theater - Compagnie Rodéo d'âme. As part of the Independent Booksellers' Fortnight 2024. In partnership with Libr'Air d'Obernai. In spring 2021, Claire Audhuy collected the stories and words of unaccompanied minors welcomed by France terre d'asile in Saint-Omer. The result is a choral, poetic and documentary account of the lives, journeys and dreams of these teenagers who have left everything behind to find a better future. Their stories are brought to the stage in J'ai rêvé que mon pullover était ma maison, a musical performance by Claire Audhuy alongside musician Alexandrine Guédron. Together, they give voice to the testimonies of these children, these "Fuir-s'en-va", from the four corners of the globe. On stage, songs resound in the mother tongues of the witnesses, and spellbinding music takes us on a journey with these courageous boys. We also discover images of their journeys, shared by screens screens. A powerful documentary that puts human beings back at the heart of these issues of exile. Ages 14 and up

Additional information
  • Duration of the visit : 1h
  • Prices : Tarif unique : 10 €
  • Type d'évènement, exposition : Spectacle
  • Lieu/Départ de la manifestation : 13e sens - scène & ciné

Opening times and days are liable to change according to circumstances. Please take all the necessary precautions.

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