Guided tour of Patrick Loughran's "Time line" exhibition

" Explore the works of Patrick Loughran in the "Time Line" exhibition at Musée Théodore Deck. Discover works from his rich and varied artistic career! "

Guided tour of Patrick Loughran's "Time Line" exhibition. Discover Patrick Loughran from his beginnings as an artisan potter to his practice as a contemporary artist.
Open to the public, 45 min.

Additional information
  • Prices : Tarif plein : 5 € | Tarif réduit : 3 € | Gratuité : groupes scolaires, moins de 25 ans, Museum-Pass-Musées, Pass Education, Hoppla’ Pass, carte Culture, carte ICOM, membres de l’Association Théodore Deck | Le musée est ouvert en accès libre et gratuit le premier dimanche de chaque mois.
  • Type d'évènement, exposition : Exhibition
  • Lieu/Départ de la manifestation : Musée Théodore Deck

Opening times and days are liable to change according to circumstances. Please take all the necessary precautions.

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